Web hosting is placing a web page or web site on a commercial web server. The web server is linked to the World Wide Web, allowing anyone to access your web site online. We purchase your domain name and hosting on your behalf and all details are forwarded when they are available.
We have several domain and hosting packages to suit every kind of business or individual use. We ensure secure and guaranteed domain and hosting purchases. All our servers can supply 24 hours backup service to keep your business up and running.
Our domain and hosting packages are affordable for each client's needs.
We offer the following services;
*Domain purchasing and transfer
*DNS Management
*E-mail hosting, services and set up
*Web Hosting
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, or DSL for short) is a high-speed Internet access service that utilizes existing copper telephones lines to send and receive data at speeds that far exceed conventional dial-up modems. ADSL uses standard telephone lines to transmit upstream and downstream data on a digital frequency, which sets these datastreams apart from the analogue signals telephones and fax machines use. Because the ADSL signal is operating on a different frequency, the telephone can be used normally, even when surfing the Web with ADSL service. The only requirement will probably be inexpensive DSL filters on each phone or fax line, to remove any "white noise" on the line that might be generated from ADSL service.
Wireless Digital Subscriber Line (WDSL) is a high speed internet access that's up to 50x faster than today's analogue modems! WDSL high speed Internet service is delivered to users via radio spectrum - utilizing fixed wireless technologies Compared to satellite systems, WDSL is much faster and more reliable. WDSL wireless broadband delivers cost-effective wireless broadband Internet and other data services faster and easier than ever before.